MGP is All-Gold and Best in Class at 2020 Whiskies of the World Competition

Editor note: I was fortunate enough to visit the MGP site in late February and had a series of stories set to go -- and then the world changed in dramatic fashion due to the global pandemic. I offer this Press Release as a demonstration of the quality of work done at one of the … Continue reading MGP is All-Gold and Best in Class at 2020 Whiskies of the World Competition

Moody Tongue and Monster Burger Throwdown at Jake Melnick’s

It's not common I would write about the same establishment in two consecutive blogs, but to refrain from writing about burgers and beer is not only daunting, but downright impossible. I mean, why would I ignore a burger throwdown, notably if Moody Tongue is there, too? While watching people compete, you can munch on your … Continue reading Moody Tongue and Monster Burger Throwdown at Jake Melnick’s

Lent Begins on Valentine’s Day: Here are Cocktails and Specials Perfect for Both Occasions.

This year, Ash Wednesday -- the start of Lent -- begins on Valentine's Day.  If you prefer to stay at home, you may want to have some fun experimenting with four cocktails that are sure to impress you significant other and enhance the romance! Or if you want to go out on Ash Wednesday, or … Continue reading Lent Begins on Valentine’s Day: Here are Cocktails and Specials Perfect for Both Occasions.